Vortex White Suffolk Stud



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White Suffolks

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Ram Sales

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Ram Sales

Rams Sale
Our best Charollais and White Suffolk rams will be available at our on property ram sale on the 25th September. 

Stud Principal
Daniel Hooper:  0437 684786


Click to download Catalogue here

Livestock Agent
Margaret Corboy (Rodwells Benalla): 0428 822154

Stud e-mail:

Our sale location has changed to the Benalla Showgrounds.

Click here for Directions: https://maps.app.goo.gl/QvAFXNtC6UwBdvgv8


Our AuctionsPlus Catalogue will be here when it is ready.

Animal Health
Our animal health program is something we feel gives us an edge and adds value to our rams.  The main reasons rams fail or don't last as long as they should is because of disease or structural flaws.  We breed our rams so they are structurally sound, disease free but also carry a strong immunity towards many of the common sheep diseases they may face.  It's important that rams are given the best chance to live, last and stay at optimal performance for longer.

Charollais and White Suffolk rams are strong performing, hard working, long lasting, long living, hardy rams to begin with and our stringent health program only adds to this and adds value for money to our rams while giving our clients peace of mind.

We are Brucellosis accredited which means we are free of Brucellosis.

All our retained stock and rams have been vaccinated with Gudair since 2005 which protects them from Ovine Johne's Disease and gives them the status of 'Approved Vaccinate'.  Sheep vaccinated with Gudair are protected for life. 

Our rams come footrot free and fully vaccinated (2 shots) with Coopers Ovilis Footvax.  This has become a major selling point for us as people who have footrot on their property can purchase our rams knowing they carry immunity and are far less likely to develop the disease and become lame.  Sheep develop immunity to Dichelobacter nodosus (footrot causing bacteria) either by exposure or vaccination.  If you have foot trouble our rams are ideal for you.

Our rams are fully vaccinated with GlanEry 7in1 which means they are protected from Cheesy gland (CLA) and Erysipelas arthritis plus the five major Clostridial diseases.  This vaccine helps protect our rams from the main diseases that cause lameness, illness and death in sheep.

Our rams have been double vaccinated as lambs with Bovilis MH around weaning time.  While not registered in sheep yet, we have done so with the advice of Coopers Animal Health Vet Jim Walsh.  Bovilis MH is known for protecting cattle from the Pneumonia and Pleurisy causing bacteria Mannheimia haemolytica.  In dry and dusty conditions or feedlot conditions, pneumonia can be a real problem for lambs shortly after weaning.  Many lambs which develop an MH infection survive but can be left with the condition Pleurisy which will effect stamina and vigour and hence the performance of a ram for the remainder of their life.  This vaccine helps ensure rams have good stamina and develop really strong immunity to pneumonia without developing pleurisy.  Protecting lambs during their first summer where they are most vulnerable while they are developing immunity to MH naturally provides a life long advantage.

Click here for more information on the use of Bovilis MH in sheep.

Unvaccinated means unprotected and unreliable.  A Ram that last more seasons and performs better becomes a cheap ram that has more lambs and makes more money! 

2023 Ram Health Details
Brucellosis Accredited (number 70)
Gudair Vaccinated Since 2005
Bovilis MH SS RTU
GlanEry 7in1
Coopers Ovilis Footvax

About our Charollais
We are a registered flock and have been breeding Charollais since 2013. We started out by using pure Charollais genetics over some of our best White Suffolk stud ewes. Since then we have gradually increased the purity of the breed to produce a strong Charollais type while keeping the beneficial traits gained from the White Suffolk such as extra length, frame, size and good feet.

We see our sheep as Charollais with improvements. While we do have purebred rams to offer our focus has been on quality and type over purity. Breeding a quality animal that performs and is a strong Charollais type is our primary focus.

Charollais produce top quality prime lambs over any breed and at any age.  They have developed popularity due to their very low birth weights, hardiness, high multiple births, excellent hybrid vigour and ability to grow out quickly to industry standards.  They are the ideal breed to put over maidens, ewe lambs, merinos and shedding breeds.  They are also a great option over old ewes who require an easier lambing. 

Charollais are a French breed and one of the top terminal sires in the UK, Ireland and Europe. They are relatively new to Australia but are quickly growing in popularity here and in New Zealand.

The breed exhibits excellent muscling through the hindquarters and loin and produces very high meat yields and dressing out percentage. They are clean on the head, legs and breach and have short tight wool that produces a compact but heavy lamb that stays sappy longer.

The breed has excellent eating quality and are ideally sold over the hooks but stand up very well in the sale yards as well.
Charollais rams are very fertile, hard working with a great libido and heat tolerance.

Run an intensive farm?  Don't have time to go around the ewes?  Are you done with catching ewes and pulling lambs?  Rather be doing something else?  Charollais are a low maintenance option.  Spend less time going around the ewes, pulling lambs and save/make money by losing less ewes and lambs by using Chaorallais Rams.

About our White Suffolk
We are a registered stud and have been breeding White Suffolk sheep since 1989.  With our White Suffolks we aim to produce a sheep that is industry leading in its length, size and growth rate while maintaining a good structure for easy lambing and durability. White Suffolks are know for producing prime trade and export lambs with the flexibility to produce premium early finishing sucker lambs or heavy weight lambs later on. They grow fast and keep on growing! Tight wool and clean points produce lambs that stay clean and sappy for longer and have good skin values. 

White Suffolks rams are hard working with good fertility and libido. They are ideal over first cross ewes and many of our clients are having great success over merinos, maidens and ewe lambs. They are a long living and durable breed which will likely give you many seasons of work so you are likely to get more bang for your buck.

Another area White Suffolks are showing promise in is as a Maternal sire to produce commercial ewes and replacement ewes. White Suffolk x Merino ewes are proving to be a profitable option growing in popularity. White Suffolks are excellent milkers and mothers.  Their clean points, clean breach and tight wool will produce a hardy and high quality meat orientated cross bread ewe.

Our White Suffolk Genetics are sourced from as far as South Australia, New South Wales and all around Victoria from some of the best studs in the country. We aim to keep a high standard within our flock and to produce rams that are at the highest national standard and to keep the breed improving. No effort or cost is spared when it comes to sourcing genetics.

When it comes to type there are two clear types getting around with White Suffolk Sheep.  Big long upstanding rams and more compact meaty types.  We aim to produce both as one size does not fit all. 

LAMBPLAN has not been our main focus as a stud as we believe visual traits are more important however a more direct focus on EBVS the last few seasons has seen a sharp rise in our stud's figures.  Our plan is to continue to increase our figures so that our rams give the buyers some of the best available ASBVs to chose from without regressing in visual traits.  Maintaining good birth weights, increasing PWT, EMD and TCP have already been achieved and will continue to increase in our stud. 

We participate in LAMBPLAN and ASBV are available. 

Stud Registration
Both Studs are registered Studs. 

Our White Suffolk are registered through the Australian White Suffolk Association (Flock 67).
Our Charollais are registered with Australian Stud Sheep Breeders Association and Australian Charollais Sheep Association (Flock 67).

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